Tips on Passing a Road Test
Some of you may think a road test can be very complex and frustrating. However, there are some tips on how you can pass a road test, or at least get a good score.
♦ Show signals for all turns. Whether it's going forward or backward.
♦ Keep speeds at the posted speed limits. There is no fault for going a couple of miles over the limit.
♦ Take your time when going parallel parking, hill parking, or three-point turns. Examiners do not penalize you for time, as long as you observe the road carefully.
♦ When doing a three-point turn going backwards, look both ways first before you begin to back up.
♦ Use the parking brake when parking. When parking on a hill, use the Neutral setting and steer to the left with a curb going up, or right for a curb doing down
or a hill without a curb.
♦ If you see an approaching red light or stop sign, be prepared to brake gently to begin slowing down. Smooth stops count in the road test.
♦ When making a sharp turn up ahead, be prepared to slow down, make the turn and resume your normal speed.
♦ When turning, have your hand opposite to which direction you are turning at the top of the wheel. When beginning to turn, look into the turn and turn the wheel
to that direction and let the steering wheel slide back to its original straight position.
♦ When signalling, flick up for right turns and down for left turns. Just think of the word "upright".
♦ When parallel parking, make sure you are about a meter apart from your car and the car parked at the right side of the road. Put the control stick to R and
signal right. Steer fast to the right and once you can't steer right no more, turn the wheel right away all they way to the left quickly, and recover the wheel
when the car is aligned with the parked car. Make sure you look back so you do not hit the curb.
♦ For lane changing, make sure you check the rear view mirror and your blind spot as you begin signalling. If there are no cars, you can switch lanes safely.
When driving from the right lane to the left lane for more than two lanes, keep the signal on til you approach the selected lane and then cancel the signal light.
♦ When turning left, to a road with two lanes, make your turn, start on the passing lane and if the right lane is safe, signal right and move to the right lane.
♦ Watch for any pedestrians when taking the road test. They have the right of way most of the time and drivers should watch them very carefully.
♦ When parked on the side of the road before driving off, check mirror, begin your signal and check your blind spot. Remember to take your time as you see
cars or other vehicles are passing by. Once there's an opening, it is safe to drive away. If you drive off behind a parked car, steer fast to the left and a little to
the right and recover the wheel and you resume picking up normal speed.
♦ When the light turns green, or if you get a green arrow when turning, make sure that the road is clear and there are no cars or pedestrians crossing your path,
then proceed with care.
♦ Remember to expect the unexpected, so when you're driving, please remember to be watchful and alert and all times.
♦ Try to get at least 2,000 km of driving distance before taking a road test. There are no guarantees on passing, but getting this much practice of driving distance
is a good amount to get good driving experience.
If in the event you fail your road test. Contact your driving instructor right away and show the instructor the copy of your failed test. Instructors are there to help you find what mistakes you've made and how you can pass the test with the correct procedures. Remember, all mistakes in driving can be correctable. And don't forget to recreate your road test to the instructor, to get their second opinion on if you should take the road test again, or simply keep practicing. Instructors and examiners are encouraged not to suggest giving up driving to drivers.
You might have failed the test because you have either had not enough practice in driving, or no one who is qualified enough to be a legal passenger while you drive, as first level class drivers are prohibited to drive alone, or perhaps you don't have a car for your own to drive in, accompanied with a friend to assist you, if they meet the qualifications.
Remember that giving up driving is an option, but not always the easy answer for driving poorly. Just because you failed a test, does not necessarily mean that your driving was too dangerous. Examiners do not fail drivers for the fun of it, and they don't have to at all. They fail drivers to make sure our roads are 100% safe for those who use the roads. The province of Ontario has the safest roads in North America and other U.S. states and Canadian provinces are opting to follow suit with Ontario's rules of the road to keep other roads safer too using Graduated Licensing.
Some good places to drive are either in parking lots or private communities. They are not government runned roads, so those roads are excellent roads to use when practicing on your driving skills.
If your license expires, you cannot drive on public roads and highways. If you wish to drive again and you have not yet become a fully licensed driver, you must go to a driver licensing office and requalify for the same level before you can take the road test again. There isn't a mandatory waiting period if your license has expired for no longer than 3 years if you are not a fully licensed driver. Remember to book the road test date at least 2 weeks in advance. If your non-fully license expired for more than 3 years, or if you violate the restrictions on your license 3 times, you'd have to start from scratch and take the mandatory 1½ year waiting period (1 year if you take an MTO approved driver's education course) before taking a road test.
Giving up driving because you failed miserably in your road test?
There are advantages to giving up driving.
♦ Driving can be stressful and dangerous. If you have trouble checking over your shoulder or seeing at night or in poor weather, or not manuvering the vehicle​
properly, you may be putting yourself and others at risk. You may decide it's time to give up your driver's licence and begin using alternatives such as public​
transit, taxis and riding with friends and family, or maybe even riding a bicycle.
♦ You no longer have the responsibility of driving. Why not sit back and relax as a passenger?
♦ You save money. The Canadian Automobile Association estimates the cost of operating a new mid-size car to be approximately $7,500 a year (based on driving​
12,000 km per year.) Also with the outrageous gas prices, think of the money you'll save on fuel and even car matienence and labor.
♦ You can try to apply for a free photo ID card at a state/provincial service office, to provide you with proper picture identification. They are good for five years and​
this option is only to people 16 or older, that do not have a valid driver's license and have no plans to drive a car anytime soon.
♦ If you have a Disabled Parking Permit, you can take it with you to use in any vehicle in which you are a passenger, until that permit expires.